I'm quoting "Magnetic Sponsoring" alot here. I had the biggest paradigm shift ever, when I first read this in 2008. It caused a quantum leap in my growth...
Become The Hunter, Instead of The Hunted
This is the essence of attraction marketing. Without understanding this, everything else will fail
We need to start with basic human psychology. The first thing that you must understand is that attraction is not a choice
It's a biological trigger that is hardwired into every species of animal since the dawn of time. This trigger evolved millions of years ago to help keep you alive and it's never really understood or noticed by people until they actually start to study it
Throughout history people thrive and live in social groups. They usually follow a leader until they gain enough experience and confidence to challenge for that leadership themselves or break away and start their own group
People cannot survive very well on their own, so we've formed tribes and families.
The Alpha Leader...
The leader (usually referred to as the alpha) is typically the strongest and most dominant person in the group, both physically and mentally. His/her primary responsibility is to protect the group. In return for the protection, the group follows the alpha leader
This phenomenon is still present today, but the power or value of a leader is more so perceived through different abilities such as business savvy, monetary worth and education… Instead of physical prowess
Essentially, we are hardwired to find other people attractive or unattractive based upon the level of value they have to offer. Think for a minute about the people that you respect and follow online or in the business world. You respect, follow and pay attention to people who bring value to you!
So if you want to become successful at network marketing, affiliate marketing or really anything in business, you must convey those very same qualities and eventually become a leader with high value to offer others
Alphas, Pre-alphas and Betas...
There are basically 3 categories of people in business: Alphas, Pre-alphas, and Betas. You can also think of these as established leaders, up-and-coming leaders and followers
Everyone must follow before they can lead, however leadership can be learned and leaders are definitely made (rather than born)
By the way, the term alpha comes from the Greek alphabet meaning 1st. It applies to females as well as meals. It is not gender specific. In fact females need to pay special attention in learning to become and convey the traits of an Alpha to become successful
Common Personality Traits and Characteristics of an Alpha:
★ Offers offer a tremendous amount of value to others
★ They are leaders who are naturally attractive because they radiate confidence
★ They always have positive energy and optimism
★ They truly love themselves
★ They respect themselves and their bodies, typically dress with style and live healthy lifestyles
★ They often have said principles and rules they follow personally and you must follow when you are around them
★ They are rarely concerned with outside criticism, however they don't tolerate disrespect
★ They have high integrity and strong personal values
Common Personality Traits and Characteristics of a Beta:
👎 They typically don't offer much value to others
👎 They are followers of leaders, hoping that some of the Alpha's magic will rub off on them
👎 They are often negative, doubtful and sceptical
👎 They have an entitlement mentality, thinking that the world owes them something
👎 They find it hard to motivate themselves and especially others
👎 They join a business opportunity and really take much action
👎 They are always full of excuses about why things don't work out for them
Which One Are You?...
Take a minute to think about what you've just read and ask yourself - are you beta, pre-alpha or alpha
(Hint: if you are not making money or selling a lot of stuff… And don't have many people following you, then you are not an alpha. It is a lot more than just a state of mind!)
So How Do YOU Become an Alpha?
1. You need to genuinely increase your value to the world by learning new skills
2. You need to consistently immerse yourself in personal development to ‘upgrade’ your thinking
the more valuable you become to others, The more alpha you will be, however you must equally work on your mindset as well as your skill se because you can become very competent In your skills, yet have limiting beliefs about your leadership abilities and that will kill your chances of success as much as anything.
What are the limiting stories that are running through your head day in, day out?
You must rewrite those stories and lose all of your excuses about why you are not having the success that you seek
Success in Online Marketing Comes down to These 2 Simple Things...
1. Becoming a leader to others by increasing your value
2. Expressing your value to the world through your marketing